Newt Gingrich calls Pride flags on US embassies “deliberately anti-American” - Metro Weekly

newt gingrich, jeanine pirro, fox news

Jeanine Pirro and Newt Gingrich discussing Pride flags on U.S. embassies

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called a decision by the Biden administration to allow U.S. embassies to fly LGBTQ Pride flags "idiotic" and "deliberately anti-American."

The former Republican politician, who now serves as a conservative commentator, made the comments during an interview with Fox News' Jeanine Pirro on Saturday.

Gingrich slammed the Secretary of State Antony Blinken's decision to reverse a Trump-era policy preventing embassies and outposts from flying Pride flags on flagpoles.

Read more: Biden administration reverses Trump's ban on embassies flying Pride flags

The failed presidential candidate and Trump supporter said the Biden administration was "attacking people of traditional values" by allowing embassies to show support for LGBTQ people.

"If you listed every idiotic thing that the Biden administration has done in the first 100 days, you'd begin to realize whether it's threatening everybody who believes in the Second Amendment, or it's attacking everybody who believes in right to life, or it is attacking people of traditional values who are appalled that this administration would fly the gay flag at American embassies all over the world," he ranted.

"You just go down item by item and it's almost like they have a checklist of what can we do that will really truly infuriate traditional Americans," Gingrich continued. "I have never seen anything like it and somebody asked me this afternoon, I told them I couldn't imagine any administration which has been this deliberately anti-American and this deliberately committed to infuriating the majority of American people."

Gingrich then dialed the anti-Biden rhetoric to 11, adding, "Literally, in over 200 years of history, I can't think of a single administration that has been this radical and this hostile."

This latest attack comes just a month after Gingrich told Fox News' Tucker Carlson that the Biden administration was "anti-white" and in a "sprint to radicalism."

He said President Biden was seeking to create an "America in which transgender dominates Christianity and Judaism."

Gingrich's stance as arbiter of traditional values is curious, given the thrice-married Republican divorced his first wife after she was diagnosed with cancer and cheated on his second wife, before divorcing her after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

It was a fact highlighted by CNN's John Berman, co-anchor of New Day, who apparently had no time for Gingrich's complaints about Pride flags during Tuesday morning's show.

Berman noted that 76% of Americans support LGBTQ nondiscrimination laws, before launching into a broadside against Gingrich's supposed moral superiority on the issue.

While Gingrich opposes "a flag that symbolizes people's right to love one another," he supports flying the Confederate flag, which "glorifies an era when they enslaved one another," Berman pointed out.

"The thrice-married confessed adulterer doesn't just claim the Pride flag is a threat to what he calls 'traditional values,'" Berman continued, "he suggests its an agenda that is the most hostile thing president has ever done to the people, ever, in more than 200 years of history."

Berman then listed a number of actions taken by previous presidents, including the signing of the Fugitive Slave Act, Jim Crow laws, and Japanese-American internment.

"But flying the Pride flag at embassies? In 200 years he can't think of anything worse?" Berman asked. "Maybe he's not thinking at all. Maybe it's possible that Gingrich has an issue with perspective, a verbal tic, or both."

Read More:

Republican candidate blames his daughter's bisexuality on Pennsylvania public schools

Transgender man challenges Iowa's ban on Medicaid coverage for transition-related surgery

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