How To Tell If A Bearded Dragon Is Happy? - KHTS Radio

Despite a slightly fearsome appearance, Bearded Dragons are one of the most fascinating animals on the planet. From that distinctive spiny beard to their puffed-up chin, there's no mistaking this amazing reptile.

But you might be wondering whether your bearded dragon actually recognize people, and do they enjoy their company? Well, in this article, we're going to help you better understand this fantastic reptile and keep you informed about all that you can do to keep your Bearded Dragon healthy, happy, and loved by all!

Signs of a Happy Bearded Dragon

If you're now wondering what you need to look out for to know that your Beardie is happy, here are the most common things to look for

1. They approach rather than run away

Nearly all reptiles are cautious in their behavior, and in the wild that keeps them alive and safe from predators.

So, if your Bearded Dragon approaches your hand, then they're not feeling threatened by you being there. In fact, that is one good example of how bearded dragons show affection to their owners.

2. They are comfortable being held

If your Beardie relaxes when being picked up and shows no signs of wanting to get away, then that's an excellent sign that they're comfortable being around you. Some Bearded Dragons become so relaxed that they are pretty content to sit on your shoulder and enjoy your company

3. They show species-specific behavior

So by this, we mean that your Bearded Dragon shows all of the behavior they would typically display in the wild. From sleeping through to having a healthy appetite and basking in the heat. The more you watch and get to know your Beardie, the more you will understand their normal behavior.

Then, if there is a problem, it becomes easy to quickly spot it before it becomes a more significant issue.

4. They're alert

The Bearded Dragon in the wild needs to be on constant watch, both for potential prey for their next meal and to ensure they don't become lunch themselves. This means that a Beardie needs to be very aware of their surroundings, watching out for what's going on. If you see their eyes darting around, this is entirely normal behavior, and so is nothing to worry about.

5. Brightly colored skin

Imagine being able to tell if your friends are happy or not by the color of their skin! Well, that's exactly what you're able to do with a Bearded Dragon. If you see their skin become lighted or turn a brighter shade, then you're looking at a happy Beardie.

Do bear in mind that there are other reasons why a Beardies skin color might change. That includes when they're controlling their body temperature and when there are changes in how light the room is. That said, this change in color may also be due to thermoregulation, changes in light or other factors.

There can also be times when a Bearded Dragons' skin color changes in response to stress. That means it's important to consider what else is happening before you decide that it's a sign of your Beardie being content.

6. Closed Eyes

Picked up your Beardie and they closed their eyes? That's a sure sign of a very relaxed Bearded Dragon. Remember that we said that a Beardie is constantly on the lookout? Well, that means that if they close their eyes, they must be feeling very safe and relaxed.

7. Doing Lots of Basking

Bearded Dragons love being in the sun, which means that when kept as a pet, they spend a huge amount of time near the heat lamp. It's also a really important part of their daily routine because it helps keep them at the correct temperature and ensures that their digestive system operates correctly.

Without the heat, your Beardie wouldn't be able to absorb all the essential vitamins and minerals from their food.

But Can Bearded Dragons Show Affection?

Absolutely! In fact, they're very attached to their owners as well as the habitat where they live. Just like dogs, these reptiles form a strong bond with the people they spend the most time with. Now we have to be honest here and say that, to begin with, your Beardie is probably happy to see you because your presence means food. However, over time they will start to be excited just to see their favorite people.

It's important to know, however, that Bearded Dragons are a territorial species, and so that means that they will need to feel safe to display affectionate behavior.

What are the Signs of Aggression in a Bearded Dragon?

So now you know the signs of affectionate behavior, it's also essential to understand when your Bearded Dragon feels less than happy.

If your Beardie feels that their territory is under attack, or if they need to compete for food, then you're likely to see their distinctive beard being used to communicate their mood. As they open their mouth and lift their chin, the beard becomes puffed out, making them look much bigger than they actually are. And in turn, a foe who you probably don't want to get into a dispute with, especially when they add in a hiss to put you in doubt of their mood!

Male Beardies will also display this way if other males are around and they need to compete for a female's attention. If that female doesn't respond in a submissive way towards the male, then she's likely to be attacked too.

Watch out for a bobbing head

Another way that a Bearded Dragon communicates is with a head bob. Now, this is where you need to watch closely because a quick bob of the head is usually a sign of dominance. If, however, that head bob is slow, then that's a sign of submission.

If you're seeing the head bobbing happening on a regular basis, then that's likely to be a sign of stressed Beardie. This is especially the case if you have more than one male in the same tank.

The Bearded Dragon lives a relatively solitary life in the wild, but we do know that they can have a wider social network. This means that some Beardies do have other Bearded Dragons that they search out for social company, and they have others they actively avoid. However, this does tend to be over a wide area, which means that the Bearded Dragon can retreat to their own territory when they've had enough of being sociable.

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