Beautiful snake causes ugly scare in Ngleshie Amanfro - Myjoyonline

In recent times, intensive awareness created by conservationists has significantly improved the relationship between humans and animals.

This includes both wild species and domestic animals, thus human beings and animals relate to each peacefully.

It's therefore common to hear that some people have gone further to adopt tigers, snakes and lions as their pets. 

However, the appearance of a snake in the neighborhood of Ngleshie Amanfro-American Farm in the Ga South Municipality of the Greater Accra Region, proved contrary to the supposed new friendship between humans and their animal counterparts.

The incident aptly reechoed the Biblical toxic relationship between the serpent and human being, which resulted from the eating of the forbidden fruit.

Beautiful snake causes ugly scare in Ngleshie Amanfro

The snake was spotted seemingly enjoying fresh air under a noni tree in front of one of the houses.

Incidentally, where the brave snake was resting serves as a walkway for other residents. It is close to the entrance of the house where the children play when they are home.

However, the smartness of the serpent that made it incur the Biblical curses and the resultant toxic relationship between the two seems irreversible.

Based on that, the residents suspected this snake may not be as friendly as the ones conservationists talk about. They suspected the reptile was there to cause pain in the house.

Some residents therefore tried killing the designer snake.

Beautiful snake causes ugly scare in Ngleshie Amanfro

The ugly moment turned out to be when the snake visited a resident who had gone into isolation in an uncompleted building.

The troubled snake entered into an open sewage pipe and appeared where the resident was resting.

There was therefore an attempt to kill it. Fortunately for the snake it managed to escape through a hole to the nearby bush, thus its life was spared.

Upon the escape of the snake a misunderstanding broke out among the area boys who pursued it.

They argued over who was loose on his side to cause the escape of the snake.

They fear that the dangerous reptile could return on the blind side of residents to execute its aborted deadly plan.

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