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hypoallergenic dog breeds :: Article Creator

Dogs That Are Hypoallergenic: These Are The 10 Best Breeds Of Adorable Dog For Allergy Sufferers - Including The Loving Poodle 🐕

These adorable pups will spare the sneezes of those allergic to hair – as well as saving your carpet from piles of shed fur.

© Here are 10 breeds of dog perfect for those who suffer allergies.

If you've been thinking about getting a dog over lockdown then you're not alone – the Kennel Club says the number of people welcoming new dogs into their homes has soared over the last two years.

© The Labrador Retriever may be the UK's most popular dog, but they shed a huge amount of hair. The La...

But some people find being around dog impossible due to an allergic reactions to their hair, which can cause sneezing, streaming eyes and even a skin rash.

© While the Portuguese Water Dog does shed hair, it's relatively thick and highly seasonal, so a regul...

Lucky there are a number of breeds that shed very little hair, meaning nobody has to miss out on owning a dog.

Here are 10 hypoallergenic dogs perfect for those with allergies.

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Is There Such Thing As A Hypoallergenic Pet?

For those whose eyes water and nose runs at the mere sight of a dog or cat, the idea of a pet that doesn't cause allergies is certainly enticing—particularly when 10 to 20 percent of people across the globe have pet allergies, and 70 percent of Americans have a pet in their home. Unfortunately, a truly hypoallergenic animal doesn't exist.

What Causes Pet Allergies? Fur itself is not the issue.Moyo Studio/E+/Getty Images © Moyo Studio/E+/Getty Images Fur itself is not the issue.Moyo Studio/E+/Getty Images

"There is no such thing as a universally hypoallergenic pet," Dr. Payel Gupta, a board-certified allergist and the medical director of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology at LifeMD.Com, tells Mental Floss. "One dog might not cause allergies for one person, whereas that same dog will cause allergies in the next." In fact, all dog and cat breeds can cause allergy symptoms.

Gupta warns that breeders inaccurately advertise potential pets as "allergy-free" when it's simply not true. "Breeds we normally associate with being hypoallergenic, like poodles, are marketed as such because they shed less than other breeds," she says. "But that doesn't mean the animal is hypoallergenic. If you're truly allergic to dogs or cats, you could potentially have a reaction to any pet."

Shedding isn't even the main factor when it comes to deducing a pet's likelihood of causing allergies.

"Most people believe that allergies are caused by a dog or cat's fur, but the real culprit is a protein that's found in their saliva, tears, dander, and urine," Gupta says. When a pet licks themselves or pees, those proteins stick to their hair or fur. Shedding can certainly spread these proteins around your home, but so can the release of dander, which are dead skin cells similar to human dandruff. Pet hair and fur can certainly carry other common allergens, such as dust mites, mold, and pollen, but Gupta says, "the hair and fur is not actually the allergen."

Problems can arise from this misunderstanding of pet allergies. 

"I have had families get dogs that are termed 'hypoallergenic' only to find that the dog is affecting their child with allergies," Gupta says. "Then the member of the family with pet allergies will have health consequences that can cause such extreme issues as difficulty breathing, and ultimately, it may mean they have to be on multiple medications, which all have potential side effects, in order to stay healthy around that pet."

How to Deal with Pet Allergies Your vacuum is your friend.Justin Paget/DigitalVision/Getty Images © Justin Paget/DigitalVision/Getty Images Your vacuum is your friend.Justin Paget/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Melanie Carver, the chief mission officer of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, recommends potential pet owners with known allergies speak to an allergist before adding a new animal to their home. "It's about each person's individual tolerance and allergy triggers," she says. "Depending on your diagnosis, there may be options. For example, people who are allergic to a specific protein in feline saliva may be able to feed their cat a special cat food that helps neutralize it."

Gupta also suggests fostering a pet before permanently committing to the new member of the family. "Looking at a pet in the pet shop for five minutes may not reveal the allergy," she says. "The only way to determine if you are safe around one dog or cat compared to another is to live with the pet."

For those who exhibit some allergic symptoms to all pets, Carver has further guidance: "Managing allergies with a pet means taking steps to reduce exposure to allergens by keeping pets out of bedrooms or sleeping areas, or by wearing a mask while grooming your pet, preferably outside, and washing your hands after petting or touching your pet." Regularly cleaning your home, and opting for hard flooring over carpeting, helps, too, as does bathing your pet—within reason. As Gupta says, "not every animal is meant to be washed frequently, and we want to keep our pets safe, too."

This article was originally published on mentalfloss.Com as Is There Such Thing as a Hypoallergenic Pet?.

18 Best Dog Breeds For Kids

The best family dogs are patient, tolerant, and loyal. You can't go wrong with any of these best dogs for kids.

First things first

Dogs have personalities and quirks, no matter what breed they are. Children also differ in their needs, energy levels, and personalities. No matter which breed you hone in on, it is important to take a common sense approach, when choosing from the best dogs for kids and introducing a new pet to your household. "When searching for a pet dog for the family, parents often consult friends or relatives, or rely on their own personal experiences," says Janelle Emmett, DVM, veterinary technology program director at Carrington College's Sacramento, California campus who has practiced in companion animal medicine for 12 years. "Ideally, people should select a breed based upon the anticipated lifestyle of the dog, being mindful to match the personality and age of the child and the traits of the breed." Consider if you want a calm dog, a low maintenance dog, or a dog suited to apartment living—though big dogs make surprisingly good family dogs, too. Additionally, parents must remember that nothing can replace careful monitoring of the child with the pet and good training, she notes. Before you bring a dog home, make sure you have all the items on this puppy checklist.

young girl hugging her cavalier king charles spaniel

young girl hugging her cavalier king charles spaniel

Mkovalevskaya/Getty Images Cavalier King Charles spaniel

"The Cavalier King Charles spaniel is a wonderful family pet; a gentle, calm dog, who is happy to be combed and brushed," says Dr. Emmett on why this pup is one of the best dogs for kids and best family dogs, period. "This breed is, however, less enthusiastic about games, such as tug of war, and rough-and-tumble play. King Charles spaniels are a good match for a more urban lifestyle and a sensitive child." Cavs are also one of the cutest dogs with floppy ears.


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