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boerboel dog :: Article Creator

Dog Breeder Sentenced In Mossel Bay For Animal Cruelty

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A man from Mossel Bay who neglected and starved more than 60 dogs was sentenced in the town's Magistrates Court yesterday.

Lionel Marais, 56, was convicted of animal cruelty after severely neglecting Boerboel dogs who were rescued from his breeding facility in Hartenbos in 2022.

Shocking photos of starving dogs were circulated to the media by the Garden Route SPCA.

The dogs were also confined in small electric-fenced enclosures with no bedding and, in some instances, insufficient shelter.

He was sentenced to pay a R50 000 fine or face 12 months imprisonment.

The court ordered the money be paid monthly to the Garden Route SPCA, who were present at Marais' sentencing.

According to the Mossel Bay Advertiser, Marais said he struggled to find employment and that his children were bullied at school due to the publicity of the case.


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